Almost ready to quit last night from driving when we heard a loud pop from outside. We thought it was the truck that was ahead of us. Just then Stu lost power steering and the brakes and then we knew it was us! We pulled off the nearest exit and after checking it out, Stu saw that our main belt broke and the air conditioner compressor clutch flew off.
A cop directed us to Dave's RV store up the road where we could camp and in the morning check to see if the mechanics could help us. Stu was ecstatic since he wanted to camp all along. We were in Claremore, Oklahoma 30 miles outside of Tulsa
The next day, Dave’s RV couldn’t help us.
In fact, no one would since not many auto places will service a 26 foot motor home.
Plan B: Stu would tackle the job himself.
Stu somehow maneuvered the camper five miles down the road to an auto parts store. He set up shop at the empty parking lot, bought the parts and proceeded to replace the belt and compressor clutch.... After a few hours, Stu realized he needed to replace the entire air conditioning unit. Broken belt
Old and new air conditioner unit.
New Belt
Nice hands, don't you think? Notice the hand cleaner in the background, unused.
Stu couldn't resist calling a mobile mechanic to pressurize the air system. Mike and Stu bonded over mobile businesses.
Result: Mission Accomplished in 10.5 hours!! Stu did an awesome job!!
Wow, that is soooooo awesome!!!! Stu you are a machine!!!! I can't believe you did the whole thing by yourself -- that is so cool! Congrats on fixing it. I love the before and after shots. Mom, you are doing an amazing job with the photos! A-MA-ZING!!!!
Honestly, amazing job fixing the camper stu, but props goes to the photo coverage on this one. Thorough, informed, uncompromising.
Thanks Chris and Sharon
Unbelievable!! Stu, you are amazing! You two are quite a duo! I hope the rest of the trip is smooth sailing!
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